Art After School is off to a great start with a great group of kids!
Art After School | September 2017

Art After School is off to a great start with over 20 young artists participating! One of our amazing Racheal-Inspired projects was making bowls out of torn bits of tissue paper and glue. The gorgeous results will be on display at our annual Art Show on Wednesday, November 4, at 5 p.m. The show will feature the work done this semester. We are so proud of these young artists! Mark your calendar today, and plan on attending. Bring friends and relatives!
Below is a slideshow of pictures from Art After School in September. (If the slideshow doesn’t load properly on your device, you can click here to view the gallery on flickr.)
Art After School completed the ninth program year with an art party. What is a party without party hats and games? Everyone had to make a party hat out of colorful papers and then wear their hats at the picnic featuring delicious treats. It was a hot day and the game was a welcome activity as it involved containers of cold water and marbles. The object was to pick up all the marbles, using only your toes. Lots of fun was had by all!
Many thanks go to an amazing group of creative young artists, to their parents who supported our efforts, and to our assistants, Jane Bowry, Marilyn Wilking, and Joanne King. We look forward to September and the beginning of Art After School’s 10th year!
Below is a slideshow of pictures from the Art After School End of Year Party. (If the slideshow doesn’t load properly on your device, you can click here to view the gallery on flickr.)
One of the most popular and fun projects completed at Art After School in April was making stuffed animals. Using a felt base, the children cut, sewed, and glued fabric scraps to create beautiful little creatures. Some of the children had previous experience sewing by hand, but others learned a new skill. Threading the needle was especially challenging, but also rewarding upon success! It was a lot of fun watching the animals come to life.
Below is a slideshow with pictures of the kids making their stuffed animals. (If the slideshow doesn’t load properly on your device, you can click here to view the gallery on flickr.
March was a busy month at Art After School. One of our favorite projects was making “Box Monsters.” As you can see, the children and our adult volunteers had a great time creating these little creatures using tissue boxes and colored paper. We love how each monster is different!
Below is a slideshow with pictures of the kids hard at work on their monsters. (If the slideshow doesn’t load properly on your device, you can click here to view the gallery on flickr.
Art After School is a great indoor activity during the long winter months! February featured a favorite project: painting birch tree scenes. This project taught the kids about watercolor washes and masking. We’ve had requests to teach this project to an adult group -— we’ll see! Let Susan Kershaw know if you would be interested in an Adult Fun with Art group.
Below is a slideshow of photos from the Birch Tree project (if the slideshow doesn’t load properly on your device, you can click here to view the gallery on flickr).
This month the children enrolled in St. John’s Art After School program finished up their non-gingerbread houses (started in December), created some beautiful Zentangles, and painted with acrylics.
Below you will find a slideshow of photos from the month of January, or click here to view the entire album on flickr.