Our Mission and Vision

St. John’s Church is a welcoming, open congregation. We, its members, provide love and support for each other by worshiping together, praising God with music and liturgy. And we serve the Lord with joyful hearts, individually and collectively, in our community.

 Honoring our traditions, applying knowledge gained from experience and imagining future possibilities, we strive with hearts and minds to be more than what we are, to live the will of the Lord in new ways.

Our vision is that St. John’s Church will manifest its love of God to the community through ongoing and new activities. These will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

  • Deepening our social and spiritual growth with one another
  • Supporting the Fall Mountain Food Shelf
  • Offering our church space by reaching out to and meeting the needs of our community 
  • Engaging in programs that aim to end racial and other forms of injustice.